Who really says “I want to be a farmer when I grow up” these days? No one. How about we put some ladies in lingerie in farmhouses and paddy fields and cow sheds?
Hoping to make working in agriculture more alluring to younger Germans, a Bavarian farming association has produced a calendar showing scantily clad farm girls in erotic poses. The “Young Farm Girls Calendar” is meant to be “an homage to all the young women farmers in Germany who support agricultural work in a self-confident and fun manner,” according to the website of the Association of Young Bavarian Farmers.
“We want to present young farmers as modern and open-minded entrepreneurs and do away with the antiquated image and do away with preconceptions,” said Elisabeth Köstinger, the chairwoman of Association of Young Austrian Farmers, in a statement.
Interested farmers and non-farmers alike can order a copy at this website.